Saturday, December 28, 2019
Ad Councils Aids Campaign - 996 Words
Problem Statement: The Ad council AIDS campaign wasn’t successful launched the against AIDS campaign, low acceptance by the publicity due to promiscuity and mislead people to have casual sex and create thinking that use condom can be avoid risk with AIDS infection. Woman group felt the ads only emphasize responsibilities on woman but not on man and the men group suspected the credibility use of condoms may not able to prevent AIDS efficacy. Suggested Ad council to have another AIDS campaign to targeted group on heterosexually active woman, due to woman was high involvement with sexual activities from the figured 52% having had two to five sex partners, 21% for six or more partners reported. In other hand, woman seems more†¦show more content†¦Advertisement proposed The advertisement poster looks like: The poster shown Audrey Hepburn said â€Å"I love myself†and point the man to the direction toward hospital for healthy checkup. Audrey Hepburn is super famous during the year 1953 – 1993, even now. Ad council will invite Audrey. Hepburn to take photo shoots for against AIDS posters. Audrey Hepburn is an icon during the time, and she has capabilities to influence people (female or male) to have high conscious on life and take care themselves like her. Advertisement objective: To against AIDS and to prevent HIV virus spread out, since no vaccine to cure AIDS’s infection. Specific message: Bring by famous actress Audrey Hepburn: Love yourself, to have better future! Campaign: Invite Audrey Hepburn as a spokesman for the against AIDS campaign. Execute continuously one year non stop events, seminars and speeches in school, college, university, and business organization to talk about the negative outcome andShow MoreRelatedBackground Information About The Agency Essay1154 Words  | 5 Pageshearing aids and how volume affects how bilingual children are affected when hearing English speech sounds that are not in their language. During the project I was asked to work with a local advertising agency to ensure the message and images were suitable for placement within the Hispanic community. I collaborated with several Spanish speakers to ensure the English and Spanish message flowed consistently and matched both conversational English and Spanish. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Conflicts of Man Versus Nature in Jack Londons To Build a...
Jack London is an American author, journalist, and social activist. When it is fifty degrees below zero, you are soaking wet, and you have just lost your last match†¦What will you do? To Build a Fire, one of London’s short stories, illustrates a man who leaves the Yukon trail alone to meet his companions on a day so cold that no man should travel. His only accompany is a big native husky who considered him a fire-provider. The man accidentally soaks himself and fails to set up a life-saving fire. He strives hard to survive against the Mother Nature, but he loses all his strength, and finally, the power of nature deters and kills him. The whole story focuses on the conflict of man against nature, and how prevailing and undefeatable the power of nature can be. The author, Jack London, exceptionally employs the setting, point of view, and foreshadowing to develop the conflict and central theme of the short story. The short story takes place in Yukon, one of the coldest territories in Canada, where it is covered by snow all year-round. The man travels at the time of the year when the day light lasts the shortest, and that day has not been a good day to be outside, especially for a man alone. London exploits very effective language in the very beginning and immediately hooks the readers to the harsh and desperate atmosphere, for example, â€Å"Day had broken cold and grey, exceedingly cold and grey†¦..It was nine o’clock. There was no sun or hint of sun†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Show MoreRelatedThe Naturalistic Ideals of Jack London Essay825 Words  | 4 PagesThe Naturalistic Ideals of Jack London As an adolescent, Jack London led an impoverished life and struggled to earn more money to support himself and his mother. In an attempt to find a small fortune, London joined the Klondike Gold Rush in 1897. Unfortunately, he returned home penniless. However, his adventures in the Yukon provided him the most epic experiences that guided him into writing some of his most famous, widely acclaimed literary works. His novels focus primarily on naturalism, a typeRead MoreJack Londons To Build A Fire Essay1025 Words  | 5 Pagesthough was one who portrayed himself through dozens of short stories. His name is Jack London. Jack London is a writer who shows the conflict between Nature versus Man in his writings and supports this theme through his work, â€Å"To Build a Fire.†Jack was born on January 12, 1876 and died on November 22, 1916. He is best known for his nature novels depicting how nature can sometimes be so powerful that it overcomes man. Jack was deserted by his father when he was eleven and was mainly raised by his motherRead More Jack Londons To Build a Fire Essay example1103 Words  | 5 PagesJack Londons To Build a Fire In his short story entitled To Build a Fire, Jack London portrays a bitter conflict between man and nature. The nature in this story is the harsh environment of the Yukon Trail. London chose to use nature as the antagonist, almost as a force working against the main character in his struggle for survival. London accomplished this personification of nature by giving the environment many human characteristics, by creating numerous thingsRead More Stephen Cranes The Open Boat and Jack Londons To Build A Fire 2309 Words  | 10 PagesStephen Cranes The Open Boat and Jack Londons To Build A Fire Stephen Crane’s short story, â€Å"The Open Boat†speaks directly to Jack London’s own story, â€Å"To Build A Fire†in their applications of naturalism and views on humanity. Both writers are pessimistic in their views of humanity and are acutely aware of the natural world. The representations of their characters show humans who believe that they are strong and can ably survive, but these characters many times overestimate themselves whichRead MoreEssay on To Build a Fire a Short Story by Jack London877 Words  | 4 Pages To build a fire is a short story written by Jack London. It is a story about an individual’s choice. The main character’s self-centeredness overcomes him, as he tries to survive the wintery weather in his travel in the Yukon Trail. He made a choice of ignoring the weather warnings, which evidenced danger in his journey. There were warnings like the absence of fellow travelers due to the cold season, but his egoism made him still embark on the journey alone, despite the warnings. The protagonist’sRead MoreThe Story Of Jack London1327 Words  | 6 PagesJack London is considered one of Americans best writers in time. London is considered a naturalist, which is one of the movements during the time of 1865-1915. A naturalist is where a writer portrays the characters as victims of the environment. One famous short-story that Jack London wrote is â€Å"To Build a Fire†. This short-story shows the main conflict of nature versus man. It is set in the Yukon Tra il during the winter time. London took part in the Klondike Gold Rush which gave him the inspirationRead MoreCause and Impact Analysis on the Main Character’s Suffering in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Novel Eat, Pray, Love7348 Words  | 30 Pagescontents of novel forget message has been conveys by author. As novel might have many characters, some characters might never ever come into relation with an author. People knew that all the people in the world at this moment and related, if only by the nature of the fact that they were all living at the same time. Direct contact was not necessary to establish relationship, though a novelist would probably show closer relationship among his character that there was merely being alive at the same time. 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The word is fed back that if the business is cut off, they will follow you home, go for your family, stab you or murder you.2 But Palumbo persisted in making his club a safer, cleaner environment.Read MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words  | 385 Pagesdespite the complexity and partial knowledge characterising the situation being studied. 3 Students must confront the intractability of reality – complete with absence of needed information, an imbalance between needs and available resources, and conï ¬â€šicts among competing objectives. 4 Students develop a general managerial point of view – where responsibility is sensitive to action in a diverse environmental context. Source: C. C. Lundberg E. Enz, 1993, ‘A framework for student case preparation’
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Hela Cells free essay sample
She went to Johns Hopkins hospital to have the tumor looked at; they took a sample and sent her home. A few weeks later, when Dr. Lawrence Wharton Jr. was prepping Henrietta for treatment he took two samples from her one from the tumor and one from her healthy cervix. He never asked Henrietta if he could take these samples from her. Dr. Wharton Jr. took the samples down to Dr. Gey’s lab; he got excited but thought the cells would just die like all the rest. The women in the lab cut the cancer cells, placed them in test tubes, and placed them in the incubator. The next morning the women noticed that there was growth in the test tubes, Henrietta’s cells were growing at a great speed, they doubled over night. That day she cut the cell in half and those two halves grew overnight. Every 24 hours the cells where growing like crabgrass. We will write a custom essay sample on Hela Cells or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It seemed like her cancer cells where unstoppable, as long as they had food and warmth. Because of their adaption to growth in tissue cultures plates, HeLa cells are difficult to grow. In 1952, researchers injected HeLa cells into everything, from mumps to herpes. That year was the worst year of the polio epidemic they used Hela cells to test the vaccine that protected millions. Hela cells made it possible to grow the virus, so they could make a vaccine to fight it. Dr. Gey and his colleagues went on to develop a test, using HeLa cells, to distinguish between the many polio strains, some of which had no effect on the human body. Until researchers knew which strain-produced, polios crippling effects some of which had no effect on the human body. Until researchers knew which strain produced polios crippling effects, they did not know what they were fighting. Through Henriettas cells, they found their culprit. With this information, researchers in Pittsburgh created a vaccine, and the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis established facilities for mass-producing the HeLa cells. They would use them to test the polio vaccine before its use in humans. During this time, the scientists come up with a way to send cell through the mail without killing them. Due to a laboratory accident involving HeLa cells scientists in Texas were able to see human chromosomes for the first time. Henrietta’s cells have helped us find and many things over the last 50 years. In 1954, thanks to the cells scientists came up with a method that kept an isolated single cell alive long enough for it to replicate and make a perfect copy of them. That is how we discovered gene therapy, in vitro fertilization, and stem cell isolation. In the 1960’s they packed some HeLa cells into a soviet satellite and sent them into space, this discovered that cancer cells grow faster in space. Later NASA listed the HeLa cells were in the first manned US mission in space. By the mid 1960’s they found that if you mixed Hela cells with mouse cells it created the first cross-species helped prove that human papillomavirus causes cancer, and they made a vaccine to help prevent it, this could have saved Henrietta’s life it was available then. A few years later, they inject HIV into the HeLa cells to try to find the key receptor in this virus. Thanks to the HeLa cells, scientists have been able to find cures, vaccines, and help to many types of viruses. hybrid, and that helped with mapping human genes. They also discovered Herceptin, a cancer drug, with the help of the Hela cells.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Is There Any Medical Potential For Marijuana Essay Example For Students
Is There Any Medical Potential For Marijuana? Essay Word Count: 5227Marijuana is one of the oldest cultivated plants (Nahas 8). Since it became illegal in 1967, there have been questions of whether or not it is good for purposes, such as medicine, other than being a leisure drug. Debates between pro and con groups for the use of marijuana in the medical profession, have been heated and in recent months, referendums have been pasted in a least three states to make it accessible for medical treatment. Personally, I feel that marijuana has the potential to be a significant help with certain aliments, however, more research needs to be done to maximize its potential. According to Gabriel Nahas, the first people to introduce the potential healing properties of marijuana, were the Chinese. About five thousand years ago, the peoples of the plains of Central Asia, just of the north of the Himalayas, began cultivating the plant. Though it is not exactly certain what cultivation of the plant was for, whether it was for its oil, fiber or medical properties, most likely it was its fiber (11). The fiber of the plant is so strong that it can be used to make thick, sturdy ropes. Its seed also contains oil that can be used as a varnish. In some countries the seed is used as bird and cattle feed and also in the manufacturing of soap (9). And something else that might not be common knowledge is that the seeds can be roasted and eaten. It is actually the flowers of a certain type of the plant that is used for its medicinal and intoxicating property (9). So when was the plant introduced to the Western Hemisphere? There is archeological evidence that the plant was brought toWestern Europe from Asia at around 1500 B.C., by the Scythian invaders and later reached the Mediterranean region. However, the people of western Europe didnt begin cultivating it as a plant crop in their area until about 500 A.D. When the plant first came to Europe, it was not introduced to all the countries. The rest of Europe did not find out about the plant until around the Christian era. No signs or evidence suggests that Europeans used marijuana for intoxicating purposes though. In the New World, marijuana was introduced in the 16th century. It was brought over by both the Spanish and British settlers as well. In the Spanish settled areas of the New World, it was used for its fibers. Its intoxicating properties were only discovered in the late 19th century. In the United States, it was used for the production of rope and cloth until the 20th century where it is now widely used as a drug preferably for pleasure (7). According to Nahas, it was about 1842, when an Irish physician named William OShaughnessy introduced the Western world to mariuanas medicinal properties. Although Dr. OShaughnessy used marijuana for many different aliments and diseases, he found it most helpful in the relief of pain. In his practice, he also found that the drug was most effective for convulsions occurring from rabies, rheumatism, tetanus, and epilepsy. It also seemed to be a help when it came to menstrual cramps and in the delivery room; helping with increasing uterine contractions and reducing childbirth pains (7). In more recent times, the National Institutes of Health has claimed that marijuana may be helpful in the alleviation of chemotherapy, to reduce nausea. The drug also helps in the stimulation of appetite and reduction of the loss of lean muscle mass in AIDS patients and in the prevention of epileptic seizures. It also aids in the reduction of fluid pressure in the eyes caused
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